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Target Letters

Understanding Target Letters: A Step-by-Step Guide

What is a Target Letter?

A target letter is a formal notice issued by the US Attorney's office to inform an individual that they are the subject of a grand jury investigation and are considered a target for potential criminal prosecution.

Purpose of a Target Letter

The purpose of a target letter is to provide the individual with advance notice of the ongoing investigation and potential charges they may face. It is a serious matter that requires immediate attention and legal representation.

Three Key Points to Know

1. Substantial Evidence

The US Attorney must have "substantial evidence" linking the individual to the alleged crime before issuing a target letter. This evidence may include witness testimony, documents, or other forms of proof.

2. Legal Consequences

Receiving a target letter can have significant legal consequences. It indicates that the individual is at risk of indictment and criminal prosecution.

3. Right to Counsel

Individuals who receive a target letter have the right to consult with an attorney. It is crucial to seek legal advice promptly to protect your rights and understand your options.
